Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Keith and Michelle

The last wedding of the 2009 season and it was a good one. Hosted by the beautiful Water's Edge Resort and Spa in Westbrook, Keith and Michelle's wedding was full of beautiful Jewish tradition. First there was the "First Glance" which is when the groom hides behind the groomsmen before seeing the bride for the first time. Then there was the Ketubah (the wedding contract) signing and finally the Horah. Throughout our time with this couple it was undeniable that they were enjoying their special day as well as savoring each moment with each other. We got lots of great footage of this beautiful couple as well as plenty of funny moments. These two are a riot and never missed an opportunity to make a face for the camera. Thanks for letting us bring a great close to our filming season with you. Enjoy

A special thanks to my wife Marissa for helping film this wedding.

A November wedding at Water's Edge in Westbrook CT.
